Roofs are one of the primary places seagulls like to nest. They enjoy nesting in chimneys, under HVAC units, under solar panels, and any other covered location that gives them shelter from the elements. Rooftops are also often close to seagull food sources like trash cans and parking lots.
This article will introduce you to some of the primary methods used for bird control for seagulls.
If seagulls are gathering in an area, they are usually there because there are food sources and nesting grounds nearby. In order to get rid of seagulls, you must remove their sources of food and block off their nesting grounds. In the long run, this will solve your seagull problem more successfully than any other method because it will address the underlying seagull infestation rather than just trying to prevent the birds from landing on your roof.
Therefore the first thing to do is remove seagull food sources. In urban areas, seagulls often find food from trash cans or strewn across the ground in parking lots. The best way to fix this issue is to replaced uncovered trash cans with covered ones, change garbage bags often, and pick up food thrown on the ground.
The next thing you can do is prevent seagulls from nesting. This is usually best accomplished by blocking off bird nesting grounds (like a roof) with bird deterrent methods.
The first method we recommend for seagull deterrents for roofs is bird netting. Bird netting blocks seagulls from entering underneath structures or possible nesting grounds, such as under HVAC units or under solar panels. Bird netting excludes seagulls with 100% effectiveness, endures all weather conditions, and will last 20+ years.
Bird netting works best for blocking birds from nesting in a structure on top of a roof. For protecting the entire surface of a roof, we recommend our next option, seagull grid deterrence wire.
Seagull grid deterrence wire is placed across the full surface of a roof and is spread across through poles in a grid formation. Seagulls see the wire and avoid the roof, knowing they will get tangled in the wire if they descend to land. Although other methods work better for other birds, seagull grid deterrence wire is our top recommendation for dissuading seagulls from roosting on a roof when full-surface protection is needed.
Once you’ve removed seagull food sources and blocked off nesting grounds with bird deterrence methods, you’ve accomplished the most important bird control deterrence tasks. If you want to further exclude and prevent intruding birds, you have a couple more options.
The first set of options are ledge modification devices. These include bird spikes, bird wire, and electric shock tracks. These devices are mainly used to stop birds from perching and can be used to deter seagulls from landing on the ledges of roofs.
Bird spikes are plastic or stainless steel rods placed on building ledges and other surfaces you want to prevent birds from landing on. They do not hurt birds, but the birds won’t be able to get a firm grip on the ledge or surface and thus have to find somewhere else to perch.
Bird wire is a wire strung across the surface of a ledge. If a bird tries to land on the wire, it bounces and the bird flies off. Bird wire fulfills a similar function to bird spikes but is sometimes considered more aesthetic.
Electric shock tracks are electric strips placed on a ledge. If a bird tries to land, the shock tracks give the bird a small electric shock, enough to make them fly away but still not hurt the bird. Electric shock tracks are also less visible than bird spikes but are more expensive than other ledge modification options.
There is one more possible bird control method for deterring seagulls from roofs and that is sound machine bird deterrence. Sound machines send out predator cries and species distress calls to warn birds from coming into close proximity. Sound machines are an option in conjunction with other bird control methods, but rarely stop a seagull problem on their own.
Summary: The best seagull deterrent for roofs is to remove their food sources and block off their nesting grounds with bird netting. If you have a large, open-surface roof you want to exclude seagulls from, AviAway’s seagull grid wire deterrence method is an option.
Once you’ve solved the bird infestation problem by removing food sources and preventing nesting, you can add extra protection like ledge modification devices or sound machines to prevent the last few stray birds from hanging around.
If you’ve been having a bird problem of a larger magnitude or for longer than six months, consider speaking with a bird control company. AviAway offers free bird control consultations. We can discuss your particular situation and walk you through, step-by-step, how to approach it. Visit their website or call 844-247-3373 to set up an appointment.