When we talk about home decor, people presume that we are referring to making the inside of a house beautiful but often forget how beautifying the exterior is also important for the overall aesthetic look of a house. People blow their entire budget on decorating the inside of a house and by the time they realize the need to change the way a house looks from the outside, it’s too late. Whenever someone visits your house or even if you are putting your house up on the market for sale, the first impression that people get about your house is from how it looks from the outside so we are going to help you today by listing a few simple things you can change to make your house look welcoming from the outside as well.
Add an Overhead in the Entrance.
We would say that it is absolutely necessary to add a covered entrance to your house if you want your curb to look appealing. During an extremely sunny day or a rainy day, the overhead would protect you and your visitors from the discomfort caused due to the weather.
Another clever thing you can do is to extend your front deck a bit further and adding an overhead to the entire curb. Now, you may add a few chairs and a small coffee table in the curb-side, and it will become your own mini retreat. Your house will also look warm and welcoming from the outside.
Replace the Door.
This is not an absolute must if you already have a beautiful door but if your door looks old and moldy, it is time to replace it with a new door which goes well with the style of your house. Make sure that you don’t go cheap when it comes to replacing your door as obviously you need to consider safety first, also you don’t change your door frequently so better buy a solid door which matches the architectural style of your building.
Maintain the garden:
We just cannot emphasize enough how important it is to maintain your garden well if you want your home to look appealing from the outside. You can add a few decorative plants or better, stick to plants that bear vegetables and fruits. Make sure that you do proper grouping and planning before you do plantation. You can also add a gravel path in the middle and plants on the side to make your garden look really beautiful. Adding a few fragrant plants such as roses will also make your guests feel welcomed. If you want to add a touch of zen look, you can even install outdoor wall water features in your garden.
Add a Fence and Gate:
A house without a fence and a gate do not really add much to your homes exterior look. Also, once you plant a garden, you need to protect your plants from critters. Adding a Metal Garden Fencing along with a proper metal gate can draw eyes towards the landscape making even a small front garden look big.
Revise the Driveway.
The driveway again is a space which you notice as soon as you reach the front of a house. If it is in good shape then do not bother about it but if it is beaten up, then it is time to revamp it by using brick or stained concrete to make it look appealing.
Update the Garage Doors
Most of the houses have garage doors visible from the street and actually many times this is the largest area of the house front you see from the outside, so it is really important that the garage door does not look old and torn. You may add a coat of paint to make it look fresh and light. If the condition of the garage door is really bad, then consider replacing it.
Revamp the Roof:
Like the garage, the roof is again a feature of the house clearly visible from the street hence you need to make sure that it looks right. If the roof looks fine, then we suggest do not change it as it may become a costly affair but if you need to put up a new roof, consult a designer and go for a roof which is practical and goes with the color scheme of the house.
Paint the Walls and Windows:
Now, this is quite easy to do and actually can bring a lot of difference. If your house looks old from the outside, you can get the exterior painted. If the walls look fine, paint the window panes. A coat of fresh paint will really brighten your house and make it look happy and welcoming to the visitors.
Home renovations may be costly hence budgeting beforehand is always a great idea to be sure that you are not overdoing some areas of the house and underdoing others. But remember to also keep a little budget to do the exterior of the house so that truly your complete home is renovated and looks beautiful from both, the outside and the inside.